10 Exercises to Tone Your Legs and Butt At Home (With Illustrations)

Strengthening your leg muscles could be achieved without the need of expensive leg machines. You can also lift your butt and make it round with these exercises that we are going to present to you.

This article consists of collection of best thighs and butt exercises. You won’t need any workout machine for these exercises and you can do it from the comfort of your home. Also these exercises can help you prevent leg cramps.

Leg muscles are the strongest and largest muscles in the body. They are actually the one responsible for supporting our body as well as balancing it. Legs are consistent of two group muscles, the lower leg muscles and upper leg muscles. These two groups of muscles can be divided into front (anterior) and back (posterior) leg muscles.

The upper leg muscle consists of thigh muscles and hamstrings. The thigh muscles are responsible for straightening and extending your leg. The hamstrings are actually helping you to bend and flex your leg. In some cases the glutes (gluteus maximus or the butt) could be considered as leg muscle because it extends from the pelvis to the upper thigh.

The lower leg muscles are consisted of shin muscles and calf muscles. The shin muscles are enabling you to bend your foot and ankle in all directions. The calf muscles are responsible for extending the foot while you walk or run, as well as pulling up the heel.
The strength of these muscles is incredible because they are constantly contracting and balancing your body. Due to this it is important to keep them powerful and toned through exercises.

Here are some of the best leg and butt exercises:

1. Squats


This is probably one of the best exercises for strengthening the thighs. You will need to stand with your legs spread in width with your shoulders. Stretch your hands forward in order to gain extra balance. Once you get in this position you should bend your knees and lower your body. When you bend the knees make sure they are in 90 degrees angle, while your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Also you need to keep your back straight. Afterwards get back into starting position and repeat this exercise 15-20 repetition and 2 sets.

2. One leg squats


Once you get used to doing squats you should try one-leg squats. You need to stand with your legs joined together while your hands should be stretched forward. Now you need to lift your left leg and lower the body as much as you can. Hold this position for few seconds and then return to stand position. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times for each leg.

3. Lunges


Exercising lunges is great for strengthening your butt and thighs. In order to set yourself in position you will need to stand with your left leg forwards and the right back. Next you will need to bend both knees forward and lower the body as much as you can. Once you get to the maximum bending position, push back to the starting position. Make sure while you do this your back to be straightened at all times. Repeat 15-20 times for each leg.

4. Leg circles


You will need to lie on your back, preferably on a mat. Place your arms next to your body and raise your foot pointing to the ceiling. Once you get in this position make circle movements with your leg. Make sure that you don’t move your hips, but only the leg. Do several circles (rotations) in both directions (clockwise and anticlockwise) with both legs.

5. Heel pulses


Exercise this in order to improve the strength of your thighs, hips and glutes. First you will need to stand and hold onto chair with one hand. Your heels should be touching each other whereas your toes should be apart. Now you need to bend your knees and lower your body while you lift the heels. Return back to your position with pressing upwards. This way you are working your quads intensively. Repeat 3 sets of 10-15 pulses.

6. Glutes leg lift


You will need to stand and hold the back of a chair. Your left leg should be on the floor and your right leg should be slightly bent. Lift your right leg backwards as far as you can and swing it up and down. Repeat this with both of your legs, and afterwards swing the leg to the side. Repeat this with both of your legs.

7. Carving curtsy


This exercise will help you strengthen your quads, hamstrings, inner thighs and butt. Your feet should be in line with your shoulders while you stand, and place your arms next to your body. Now you need to bend your knees until your hands touch the ground. Make sure that you lean forwards with your hips. Then you need to lift your right foot behind you. Swing your leg up and down while you lift it diagonally. Repeat 2 sets for both legs, 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

8. Leg swinging


You can improve the strength of your quads, hamstrings and butt by exercising leg swinging. Your feet should be in line with your shoulder while you stand. Pull your right leg behind your back towards the left side. Swing your leg up and down. Repeat two sets and 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

9. Downward split


Get on the floor with your legs and feet on the ground. Now you need to straighten your leg upwards. You will need to keep the leg in straight line with your body, while your butt and hips are also in air. Repeat this 15-20 times for each leg.

10. Lunge Hover


Exercising this can help you improve the muscles on your legs and butt. Place your feet in line with your shoulders while you stand. Next you need to place your foot back and lower your body while your body is lowered. Raise your hands over your head towards the ceiling. Your chest should be lower forwards towards your thighs, while your hands are in forwards position. Now lift your left leg while you straighten your right leg. Hold this position for few seconds and return to start position. Switch both legs and repeat several times.

source http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com

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