10 Warning Signs that Your Body is Lacking Water

Humans can’t survive more than 72 hours without water. The human body is consistent of 2/3 of water and that means every single body part, tissue, cell and organ is dependent on water.
Some of the benefits of drinking water are the following:

1. Balances the fluid in the body
2. Regulates temperature of the body
3. Improves digestion
4. Balances calories intake
5. Removes toxins from the body
6. Hydrates the skin
7. Protects the tissues, spinal cord and joints
8. Lubricates the joints

Due to these facts you should ensure that you consume enough water in order to keep the optimal function of the body. Your body loses most of the water when you have diarrhea, vomiting, frequent urinating, sweating, diabetes, and physical activity.

All of these conditions actually lead to dehydration unless you replace the lost quantities. Dehydration impedes the body functions and lead to imbalance of the electrolyte. Most of the people are not able to recognize the symptoms of dehydration which is important to know in order to prevent complications.

Therefore, we are going to present to you the 10 symptoms that suggest your body is dehydrated:

1. Increased heartbeat

If your body is dehydrated it will result with accelerated heartbeat. The heartbeat accelerates because of the lack of water which leads to more viscous blood and decrease of the plasma volume. This causes the blood circulation to increase and to do so the heart needs to pump much more.

Also the lack of water in the body causes serious alterations of the electrolyte levels. If your heart rate increases it might lead to serious stress of the body and you might feel fear, panic, and anxiety. So in case you experience this symptom you should drink some water slowly, and if the problem doesn’t improve you should visit your doctor.

2. Dry mouth and bad breath

When your body is dehydrated it might lead to increased production of saliva which acts as antibacterial agent. Due to this your breath might smell bad. Also if your mouth is dry you should know that your body is dehydrated and consume some water.

3. Sudden food cravings

There are times when you can confuse the thirst with hunger. It happens very often when the body needs water to feel hunger. Also if you experience sudden urge for food you should first drink water before eating something.

Once the body loses water it leads to loss of electrolytes which makes you feel cravings for salty food. It is best to consume sports drink in such situations because they contain sodium. Also you can drink lemon juice mixed with one teaspoon of salt and one glass of water.

4. Joints and muscle pain

The lack of water in the body can lead to increased friction of the bones which leads to pain in the joints. Because the joints and cartilage are consistent of 80% water this friction can occur.
Due to this it is important to keep the body hydrated at all times, because this way you will keep the joints healthy. Also it will help you easily to move and to physical activity. On the other hand, you may experience muscle cramps as a result of lack of water.

5. Dizziness and headaches

It is extremely important to hydrate your brain because the surrounding of it is liquid. This way you will manage to protect your brain from knocks, and prevent migraines and dizziness.

On the other hand, headaches might occur as a result of reduced flow of oxygen and blood in the brain. This can occur due to lack of water in the brain, so make sure that you drink enough amount of water in order to avoid these problems.

6. Problems with digestion and constipation

According to study published by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that proper hydration is extremely important in order to prevent constipation and allow proper function of the body.

Water hydration is also important because every cell and tissue is consistent of it. Therefore, proper hydration is extremely important for the digestive system. Also water is great for cleaning the intestinal tract which prevents constipation.

7. Fatigue

Having proper hydration will help you remain energized during the day. In case of dehydration you might experience fatigue and lethargy because lack of fluids in the brain can lead to decreased blood pressure and insufficient oxygen in the body. Due to this you might feel exhaustion, sleepiness, and fatigue.

8. No need for urinating and change of color of the urine

In case you notice that you haven’t urinated for few hours you should know it is a sign of dehydration. If your body is properly hydrated you will urinate 4-7 times per day, and if you don’t urinate this often your body is dehydrated.

Also if the color of the urine changes you should know it is a sign of dehydration. You should distinguish the color of your urine, so when you have clear urine it is a sign of proper hydration. In case of dark urine your body is dehydrated.

9. Dry skin

Water is important for the skin elasticity so if you notice that your skin is dry you should know your body is dehydrated. Also if you notice that you sweat less than usual you should know that the body lacks water. On the other hand, it is important to drink enough amount of water in order to allow the body to remove toxins, so if your body lacks water it might lead to psoriasis, acne, and eczema.

10. Lack of concentration and brain fog

Dehydration can also affect the function of the brain and might result with memory problems, and change of mood. The Clinical Autonomic Research Center published a study which found that brain fog is mainly caused by dehydration. Also they found lack of water might lead to sleeping problems and fatigue.

Here are some tips on prevention

The amount of water needed for your body is determined by the climate, overall health, and physical activity. You should make sure that you always drink enough water during the day in order to avoid dehydration of the body.

It is recommended to drink water that equals the room temperature and one glass of water before each meal.

You can also try to carry a water bottle with you anywhere you go in order to ensure proper hydration during the day. Also it is highly recommended to consume fruits and vegetables that contain water and avoid consuming alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

If you have diarrhea, fever or vomiting, try to increase the amount of water you drink.

source http://www.healthmagazine365.com

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