The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse: How Apple, Ginger and Lemon Can Flush Pounds of Toxins from Your Body

Digestive problems like IBS, chronic constipation or leaky gut syndrome are very widespread today. The colon is in charge for dispensation and removing waste material from the body. Therefore it is between the most crucial organs in human’s body, responsible for the overall health.

Then again, in some cases the colon doesn’t work right. That ends up with buildup of toxins in the body and other health problems. So as to bring back its functionality and eliminate toxins from your body, here is an effective homemade drink.

This drink is consisted of natural ingredients, high in particular compounds that can clean your colon very fast. There are no side-effects except visiting the bathroom more often. That’s why it is recommended to do it during the weekend when you could stay at home.

As said by a lot of doctors, taking just one apple daily could decrease the need for prescription drugs. Ginger on the other hand boosts the work of your colon and decreases digestive problems like bloating. Lemons have high amount of vitamin C which makes it great antioxidant that detoxifies the organs. Finally, sea salt would aid the waste to go all over the body and remove toxins.

Way of preparing the remedy

Needed Ingredients
– ½ a cup of purified water
– ½ a cup of fresh apple juice
– ½ a teaspoon of sea salt
– 2 tablespoons of freshly squeeze lemon juice
– 1 teaspoon of ginger juice

Preparing the Remedy

Heat the water in a pot, but don’t leave it boil. After that pour it into a cup and put in the sea salt, stirring well until it melts. After that, mix the ginger, apple and lemon juice and stir once more. Take the remedy fresh.

Initially, take the remedy three times a day (before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner). During the treatment, drink plenty of water (no less than 8 glasses daily). It is most excellent to consume water in morning to mid-afternoon to avoid from frequent urination all night.

This great home remedy is totally harmless for use. However, you better check with a doctor in case of allergies, pregnancy or other disease that asks prescription drugs. Patients with diabetes have to avoid it because the apple juice is high in sugar.

Do the colon cleansing routine each day for a week to improve your digestion. At the same time, speed up your metabolism and clean your body of toxins totally.


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