4 Effective Ways to Remove Tonsil Stones without Surgery

Many people have experience the little white nuggets in the tonsils, feeling like something has been blocking the way in their throat. This condition is known as tonsils stones and many people are not aware of the fact they might have it. Here is why and how they form:

Usually tonsils stones are formed as result of bacteria, dead skin cells, mucus, and leftover food particles. All of these causes usually accumulate in the tonsil crypts and cause bad breath, irritation of the throat, and problems with swallowing. In some extreme cases it can result with breathing problems.

People that suffer from chronic tonsils inflammation, or in case your tonsils are increased in size, the risk of developing tonsils stones also increases. Many doctors in these situation prefer to advice patients to undergo surgery for removal of the tonsils, known as tonsillectomy.

Doing the surgery doesn’t guarantee you that it wouldn’t appear again. Removing the tonsils is not a good idea because they are the first defending line of the body in preventing bacteria and viruses entering the body.

Here are some other ways of removing tonsil stones

In case the Q-tip is large enough and visible, and can be reached you should try to remove it by yourself. Use the Q-tip to push the visible area of the tonsils until you notice that it is dislodged. Make sure that you do this in front of the mirror in order to see what you are doing. Applying enough pressure will result with the stones popping out from the tonsil pockets.

Dental irrigation syringes
You will need to point the curved tip of the syringe straight towards the affected tonsil. This is great method for removing tonsil stones that are deeper in the tonsils, and hard to be seen. When you do this your head needs to be down in order to make sure that it falls out of the mouth.

The mixture should be prepared with equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and warm water. This remedy is great for killing any bacteria that is present in the tonsils.

Oral irrigator
The water flosser is great motor that is specialized for removing tonsils stones. It is great method for flossing tonsils stones with water rather than using string. You will need to position the nozzle straight in the affected tonsils and blast them out. Try to do it gently in order to avoid damage to the tonsils.

Oral probiotics
This is great strain with good bacteria that can help you kill the bad bacteria in the mouth which is responsible for formation of tonsil stones. You should use S. Salivarius K12 because this is the best and most effective probiotic against tonsils stones.

You will need to take one probiotic capsule and mix it with 4oz of warm water. Stir well until the capsule content completely dissolves. Use this mixture for swishing the mouth in the area of the tonsils. Make sure that you spit the solution out after the use. You can also use chewing gums and toothpastes in order to prevent formation of tonsils stones.

source http://organichealthremedies.com

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