5 Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Written All Over Your Face

Shortage of certain vitamins can be easily detected by performing various blood tests which can be very expensive. Yet, there is an effective way that does not cost a thing which can help you to find out if your body lacks some vitamin.

Our face can show us many things not only the mood in which we are currently, but also the internal state of our body. But, in order to tell us, in what shape our body is internally, we need to learn how to read the following symptoms thereby finding out whether we suffer from some vitamin shortage.

Five Common Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

1. Puffy Eyes and Bloated Legs – are an indication of an iodine deficiency. There are also other signs like dry skin, weight gain, and brittle nails. If you lack iodine, then you need to consume salt since it is the major source of iodine. However, you can also include sea vegetables, saltwater fish, and seaweed.

2. Pale Complexion – results from vitamin B12 shortage. If your face gets paler day by day, then you need to inspect your tongue, and if it is smooth, then for sure your body lacks this vitamin. The other symptoms would be: memory loss and fatigue. You can improve the shortage of this vitamin by consuming meats that are grass-fed, organic poultry, and fish caught in the wild.

3. Pale Lips and Pale Gums – are a sign for iron deficiency. The body itself will have the need to elevate its iron level, and because of that the need for clay, ice and dirt may occur. No matter of this need, you should consume dried beans, spinach, fish, and red meat.

4. Painful or Bleeding Gums – they can also become sensitive and because of that they easily bleed, nevertheless this is a clear indication that your body lacks vitamin C. This vitamin is an essence for the whole body, and its deficiency can trigger various health conditions, like muscles pain, and scurvy.
In order to prevent all these conditions consume foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as: citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, mango, papaya, red peppers, cantaloupe, and watermelon.

5.Hair Issues – like dry and brittle hair, occurrence of dandruff and looking lifeless means that your body is short of Vitamin B7 (biotin). This condition results from excessive use of antibiotics which kill the intestinal bacteria that synthesize biotin.

Therefore, consume foods which have high content of this vitamin, including mushrooms, egg yolks, and cauliflower.

source http://www.staynaturallyhealthy.com

other sources included: http://healthfitpoint.com

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