6 natural methods for relieving Sciatica pain

Getting rid of sciatica can be extremely tiring and in most cases people end up taking large doses of painkillers in order to relieve the pain. In fact, this is only a short term solution because once the effect goes away you will need more painkillers.

You don’t need to worry because there are numerous studies which prove that alternative approaches such as acupuncture, stretching and chiropractic massages can be extremely beneficial and will relieve the pain.

Also some of the homeopathic approaches such as castor oil, vistinkduk vati pills and nurgundi oil can help you relieve sciatica pain. This article will present to you six different ways on how to relive sciatica pain in natural way.

Sciatic pain can be extremely painful and can limit your daily activities. This is due to the inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve which is located along the pelvis to the feet. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the human body.

In many cases this condition develops as a result of the compression of the slipped disk. Most of the symptoms in regards to sciatica include pain in the lower back, pain the legs, and pain the buttocks. It is not uncommon sciatica to cause pain in the upper back as well.

Most of the times this pain goes away on its own, but also it can persist and continue for quite a long period of time. Doctors tend to treat this condition with heavy doses of prescribed painkillers, but also they might prescribe strong anti-inflammatory medications which contain special enzymes that require to be injected directly into your spine. In fact, a part from these painkillers there are other natural ways that can help you get rid of the pain.

Here is how to relive sciatica pain in natural way

Chiropractic massage
Chiropractic manipulation or massage is actually adjustment of the spine through unique massage. Chiropractors believe that the spine is the core for many health problems including the sciatica, and it also affects the nervous system.

This traditional medication method can help you relief pain by simply adjusting your spine. This is proven by a study made by the National Institute of Health which found that 66% out of 74% of people who were treated with this technique had managed to relieve sciatica pain.

Acupuncture is great for relieving sciatic pain and if you mix it with some conventional treatment you will manage to get even better and efficient results. This method involves insertion of fine needles into your body and restoring the energy levels. Many different studies have proved that acupuncture is great for increase of hormones in the body such as serotonin and noradrenaline. Serotonin is actually important for accelerating nerve pain whereas noradrenalin reduces the pain in the body.

Regular exercise
Doing regular exercise and stretching can help you relieve sciatica pain. Relieve of pain can be reached by enhancing the resilience of the lower back and spine. The most effective way to relieve pain caused by sciatica is to lie on your back with bent knees. Start moving your knees towards your chests and try to maintain the curved form. Watch this video to learn more in details about this exercise:

If you want to try more complex exercises you should consult with your doctor or a physiotherapist in order to find the best suitable activities and exercises for you.

Osteopathic medicine
This alternative medicine helps you restore the functionality and wellbeing of your bones, joints and muscles. It is done by using massage, exercise and a special technique called spinal manipulation. There are lots of studies that found osteopathic medicine being extremely useful in regards to relieving leg and back pain.

This alternative medicine is compared to chemonucleolysis which is a medical practice where special cells are injected into the spine in order to treat hernia.

You should visit your doctor or physiotherapist in order to find out more about this practice.

Ayurveda method
This is relieving method that originates from India and it uses various herbs and plants in order to treat body pain and discomfort. Some of the main herbs and plants that are used for practicing this method include castor and garlic oil, Guggul plant, Vistinduk Vati plant and Nirgundi Vitex plant.

In order to get the most of these plants you should consume it in form of a pill. Other Ayurveda methods include massage and steam therapy.
Ayurveda is great for relieving pain caused by sciatica by using enema therapy.

It is great and effective way for relieving sciatica pain. In fact there are two different homeopathic approaches which can help you relieve sciatica pain. In case you suffer from pain in your left side you will need to use chamomile, whereas if you have pain on the right side you should use white colchicum.

There are many more different resources which can be used for treatment of sciatica such as bitter apple, Iris, and St Jogn’s wort medical plants which are main ingredient for homeopathy treatment of discomfort.

We strongly recommend you consult with a homeopathic doctor for further instructions in order to find the most suitable treatment.

source https://www.healthandlovepage.com

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