8 Natural Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad breath usually is a result of poor oral hygiene, health problem, or problem with the teeth. This problem definitely makes people feel uncomfortable and might ruin the perception of people for you.

We are going to present to you in this article eight natural remedies that will help you treat this condition and problem.

1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is great remedy that will help you get rid of the bacteria that causes the bad breath, as well as improve your digestion. You will need to consume this remedy on daily basis in order to overcome the problem.

2. Fennel
Fennel seeds are actually compound that is better known as anethole which contains powerful antimicrobial properties. Regular use can help you get rid of the bad odor in your mouth.

3. C water
You will need to mix oranges, strawberries, kiwi, and water. This mixture is great for creating environment that will be hard for the bacteria to survive. The main reason for this benefit is the fact that this water mixture is packed with vitamin C which immediately destroys the bacteria that causes the bad breath.

4. Water-salt gargle
You should mix 2 tablespoons of salt in one glass of water. Mix it well until the salt completely dissolves. Use this mixture for gargling. This way you will manage to kill the bacteria in your throat and tonsils. For best results you should use Himalayan Cristal salt.

5. Peppermint essential oil
You will need to use 1-3 drops of this essential oil and brush the teeth in order to make your breath fresh throughout the day.

6. Coconut oil
In order to get rid of the bad breath you will need to take 1 tablespoon of this oil and swish between the teeth for at least 20 minutes. This way you will manage to refresh the breath and improve the health of the gums.

7. Green tea
Consume this tea twice per day in order to kill all the sulfur compounds and bacteria in the mouth. Regular use can guarantee you fresh breath throughout the day.

8. Baking soda
Baking soda can help you neutralize the bacteria in the mouth that is causing the bad breath. Put baking soda on the toothbrush and brush the teeth. This way you will manage also to improve the pH levels in the mouth.

source http://gofitstayfit.com

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