8 Products that should be Removed From Your Home Because They Cause Cancer

Being a parent and spouse, you always to ensure the best for your family and you do all that you can within your power to keep them safe. On the other hand, the truth is that some of the products that you are utilizing to keep them protected could in fact be placing them in harm’s way.

When it is about health and well-being, adequate diet and supplementation are typically on the top of the list of manners of keeping your family safe. For example, usually you don’t think about analyzing the products you utilize for cleaning aims.

However, the reality is that there are many recognized carcinogens in our homes lurking in the shower, the toilet, the kitchen cupboard, and other parts of the house that have the capability to increase the chance of you or your family developing cancer.

Below there is a list of possible risks that come from everywhere, from air-fresheners to shower curtains, which you should take care for to make your home protected over again.

Air Fresheners

As said by a report given by the Natural Resources Defense Council, a lot of the air-fresheners we utilize in our homes regularly have compounds with carcinogenic ability. The great part of air-fresheners, including some that are marked “all-natural” or “unscented,” have elements known as phthalates.

Various phthalates show various health outcomes even though the most of them have an influence on reproductive health. A lot of them could make worse respiratory conditions like asthma.

Homemade air fresheners are one of the easiest products to make. Using distilled water and one or two drops of your favorite essential oils in a spritz bottle is everything you call for to maintain your home smelling wonderful. Just shake well prior to every use and mist the spray around your home when you like to air out the air. Or you could utilize it in an aromatherapy diffuser.

In case that you are interested in learning more about essential oils you could come across helpful information in my e-book Magical Aromatherapy, a book that focuses on detecting the power of essential oils and the most efficient manners to utilize them. You could additionally utilize these 10 air filtering plants.


The other products you can find in your home and could possibly be risky and toxic could be hidden in your much loved perfumed candles. It is known that lead could be risky and lead poisoning could also be terrible for health, although usually when we see descriptions as essential oil and aromatherapy, we routinely believe that these products are healthy.

Even though the US Consumer Council has forbidened the trade of candles that have lead wicks, it is yet a beneficial idea to verify your candles to ensure they don’t have this potentially risky substance. A lot of scented products additionally have numerous damaging toxins and carcinogens. So check the chemicals utilized to make the scents of your products as well.

An easy way to try out your candles is to utilize a piece of paper. Holding the wick attempt to draw a line on the paper. In case there is no line, then the wick most probably doesn’t have lead. You could additionally light the candle and hold the paper high over the flame. In case that a gray soot residue appears, your candles could have lead.

Shower Curtains and Other Plastics

The additional risk comes from the plastic toxins that give the impression of being all around the house. Polyvinyl chloride could be identified by its short for as well – PVC, which is the third most often made type of plastic worldwide. Even though PVC could be safe for some uses, for instance sewer pipes, but when utilized in surroundings that could emit the toxic carcinogenic compounds of PVC, this plastic polymer may possibly turn into a ticking time bomb.

Shower curtains have PVC and other dangerous elements that could be emitted when you shower. These toxins could have an influence on the reproductive system, the respiratory system, and might be carcinogenic too. Additionally certain plastic products utilized for making kids toys, containers, and different plastics could also present a health risk.

Better options for shower curtains involve natural cotton curtains (as this one) or EVA curtains (EVA a non-toxic alternative to PVC) as this one. See your kids’ toys and your plastic containers to ensure they are free of PVC.

Carpet Cleaners and Fabric Shampoos

A lot of carpet shampoos and fabric cleaners insist on improving its advanced stain removal power and for that purpose they utilize a product known as perchloroethylene. Perchloroethylene, as well known as Tetrachlorethylene, has been related to bigger risks of lung cancer.

Carpet cleaners and fabric shampoos sometimes additionally include a complex known as naphthalene which is the major ingredient in mothballs. Exposure to naphthalene exposure is related to an improved chance in developing throat and lung cancers.

When it comes to natural and harmful products, baking soda is an excellent odor remover while white vinegar is efficient in removing dirt and stains. In case that you’ve decided to throw away your carpet shampoo, sprinkle your carpets with baking soda, join vinegar to your water to shampoo, and then wait for your carpets to dry. Dust with baking soda one more time in case that is needed and after that vacuum any powder that stays there.

Other healthy option that will make your carpets clean with no use of chemicals is steam cleaning. Additional applies of white vinegar could be found in my article about the 10 surprising household uses for vinegar.

Dry Cleaning Products

As said by the American Cancer Society, other carcinogen that hides in your closed can be Tetrachlorethylene or Perchloroethylene that has been utilized on your dry-cleaned items. These chemicals are usually incorporated as solvents in products as dry cleaning products.
Unfortunately wearing clothes that were dry-cleaned could accidently expose you to these damaging stuff so ensure that your neighboring cleaner does not utilize perchlorethylene to clean your clothing.

Insecticides and Pesticides

Again there are wide-spread beliefs that the products advertised as being pet friendly would really be pet and human friendly. Still, as your cleaning materials, there are many potentially carcinogenic chemicals in a lot of the tick, flea, and lice control products as well.
Some tick and flea products have organophosphate insecticides, permethrin, and carbamates that are also noted as apt to be causing cancer to humans.
Natural methods could be used and you could find out more information in my article on how to naturally get rid of fleas from your home, garden and pets including the articles on how to naturally get rid of spiders, ants, mosquitoes and flies.

Antibacterial Products

The list of products that fool us to think that they are safe manually includes those antibacterial products as well, which are allegedly made to make our environments safer.
Current worries about an ingredient utilized in a lot of antibacterial products led to a prohibition in the use of this product in EU. Triclosan for example is an antibacterial and antifungal ingredient detected in a lot of cosmetics, soaps, detergents including this top selling toothpaste.

Proofs imply that Triclosan could be carcinogenic. Even though early tests were only performed on mice, there were an adequate amount of concerns to prohibit the product in the EU.

Goods like silver are also utilized for their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties (for inctance, developing biotechnology includes ionizable silver into fabrics for clinical use to decrease the chance of infections), and the employ of silver doesn’t appear to cause any significant harm to people. On the other hand, at home you are able to prepare your own natural antiseptic soap, or prepare your own sanitizing natural home cleaner.


It was said before that your deodorant might include a damaging neurotoxin that could also be a cause for cancer
Dr. Philip Harvey, who is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Applied Toxicology, explored the ways cosmetics relate with your body. He explains that cleaning the chemicals detected in deodorants and under your arms and on the sides of your chest or breasts “could provide a route of almost direct exposure to underlying tissue containing estrogen receptors.”

This is worrying by reason that, both parabens and aluminum, detected in deodorants, are “estrogenic” chemicals—meaning that they interrelate with your body’s hormones or cells in ways alike estrogen. As said by the National Cancer Institute, too much estrogen plays a role in developing cancer cells which is a huge worry by reason that our everyday exposure to deodorants. Harvey explains that his sums propose that these cosmetic chemicals might “significantly add to estrogenic burdens.”

Rather than utilizing commercial deodorants, you could simply prepare a coconut oil deodorant or a homemade lavender deodorant.

Don’t Take Safety for Granted

This list of products is only an example of the possible risks that come from the products we accept just like that. You have to take an effective attention about the products you trust in to maintain your family protected. Study the products you utilize on a regular basis and look for the ingredients.
Besides detoxifying your body, detoxifying your home is an important part of the detox concept that includes detoxifying your mind and the nearest surroundings too.

source http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com

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