If You Are Banana Lover, Read These 10 Shocking Facts (Pay Attention on No. 6)

Banana is considered to be one of the healthiest fruit due to the great amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. The health benefits of this fruit are numerous and it can help you treat different health conditions, as well as boost your immune system. Besides these properties, let’s be honest that banana taste amazing!

This fruit contains great medical properties, so if you consume it on regular basis it will provide great health benefits. Some of the main health conditions that banana can treat are the following:

1. Anemia

Due to the high amount of iron banana can help you improve the blood quality. This way it also fight anemia

2. Prevents kidney cancer

Banana improve the absorption rate of calcium in the body which prevents formation of stones in the kidneys. This way it protects the kidney from developing cancer. Also it is great for improvement of the teeth and bones in the body.

3. Prevents heart attack and stroke

Potassium is one of the main contents of banana which helps prevent heart attacks and stroke. You will need only to consume it on regular basis.

4. Depression

Regular consumption of banana can help you fight depression because it contains tryptophan that transforms to serotonin in the body. This brain neurotransmitter is responsible for your mood.

5. Boosts of energy

You can boost your energy levels if you consume banana on regular basis. Also it is great for consumption before your exercise because it will supply your body with extra energy.

6. Improves digestion

Bananas contain dietary fiber which helps you improve digestion and fight constipation.

7. Prevents calcium deficiency

Banana acts as preventive for calcium deficiency in the body. Also it supplies the body with additional minerals which are important for the overall health.

8. Control the blood sugar level

You can control the blood sugar levels by regularly consuming bananas. It is great for people with diabetes.

9. Improves the brain function

Consuming bananas on regular basis can help you improve the cognitive and reasoning ability due to the high amount of minerals and vitamins it contains.

10. Reduces inflammation

Problems with inflammation can be overcome with consuming at least 1 banana per day.

source http://www.weeklyhealthylife.com

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