Benefits of Honey Extend to Killing Bacterial Infections; Sugar And Bee Proteins Are The Fighters

What makes honey such an effective anti-bacterial agent?

Honey is a natural product which existed for centuries, and it is so widely used thanks to its numerous health advantages. It is a sweet syrup and healthy substitute for sugar naturally produced by the hardworking honeybees. There are many benefits of honey, and the most potent one is the ability to fight against. However, the benefits do not stop there; likewise, it can strengthen the immune system, it can be extremely helpful in digestion and weight loss, and also great relief for cold symptoms. People from SciShow revealed that the powerful antibacterial ingredients within honey make it an incredible fighter against many diseases.

As Honey’s content is approximately 17 percent water and the rest of it is consisted of two kinds of sugar, fructose and glucose. These two types of sugar have the ability to attract water. Hence, honey can suck the water out of a foreign compound that enters the body including fungus, bacterium, and mold leaving them totally useless. This rich golden substance does not contain sufficient amount of water for the bacteria to live on, and for that reason honey never spoils. Likewise, it is a supersaturated substance which does not dissolve at room temperature.

Honey is a great anti-bacterial agent thanks to the bees which diligently work in the process of forming honey. They add glucose oxidase to the mix thereby making it very acidic so it is impossible for bacteria to grow in. Further on, once glucose oxidase breaks down, it changes into hydrogen peroxide, which destroys bacteria’s cell walls.

Moreover, honey contains a sprinkle of a protein known as bee defensin-1, an essential part of the bees’ immune systems which protects them against bacteria, particularly from the ones that cause disease. A conducted study in 2010where the tested subject were the bees in which the defensin-1 protein was isolated at a molecular level, showed the ability of honey in treating burns and skin infections thus making it a powerful antibacterial agent.

Honey is incredibly powerful ingredient, therefore incorporate it in your daily regimen and obtain its numerous properties. However, you have to be aware of the fact that honey is not given to infants under the age of one as approximately 10 percent of honey samples contain clostridium botulinum spores in them. This is the only bacterium that has immune resistance to honey.

The reason for this is that this one is already dried out; therefore honey cannot suck out the water out of it and kill it efficiently. Healthy adults can use honey without any caused problem as they have the ability to fight against the spores growing inside of them. On the other hand, infants have still young and underdeveloped system; therefore it is very risky to try the beneficial honey so young.


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