This is the best anti-cellulite diet

Almost every person that has extra weight wishes to have a pill that will instantly remove the fat or the cellulite. But the reality is that there is no such pill and you better start using known facts in order to remove it or at least reduce the cellulite. Nutrition and its proper use will definitely help you overcome the problem with cellulite. It is also important to know that using proper nutrition will not help you without including exercises and massages.

Here is what you need to consume
First of all it is important to consume at least a gallon of water per day. If you fell dubious about drinking water in such large amounts, you may replace it with fruits such as apples, watermelon or vegetables such as cucumbers and everything else that is water rich. Study has shown that women who consume water have more cellulite in comparison to women who consume water through vegetables and fruits. Also you need to consider using food that is rich in lecithin, amino acids, essential fatty acids and antioxidants are improving your health for sure and it refreshes your skin.

These are the best products:
Eggs, spinach, peanut butter, soy and cauliflower
Olive oil, nuts, oily fish and flaxseed
Orange and Grapefruit
Vitamin C – This is associated with collagen synthesis. Collagen is known for his properties that makes your skin elastic and reduces the visibility of cellulite. Also if vitamin C is used in combination with exercises it will burn fat for 30% more than usual. Therefore it is recommended to use vitamin C at least 100mg per day, but also consume vitamin A and vitamin E.

You should also consume fresh juices, vegetables and fruits. Please remember that you should avoid buying frozen fruits and vegetables because they lose all useful ingredients. Also you should not cook your vegetables in order to keep the vitamins that are supposed to be consumed.

This is what your diet should include:
Fruits and vegetables: asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, avocado, watermelon, lemon, orange, cabbage, lettuce, eggs, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, mushrooms, onions, cucumbers, cheese, yogurt, olive oil.

These are the things you should avoid:
Caffeine should be avoided in any forms. Remember that caffeine that is found in creams is not bad for your health and cellulite treatment because it stimulates blood circulation. If you use caffeine in form of coffee you should definitely try to avoid it and be sure it will not help you get rid of the cellulite.
Alcohol contains toxins that are bad for your liver and adds calories to your body that does not help the process for getting rid of cellulite. Also alcohol uses the body liquids (water) which requires for you to enter more water that is not good for anti-cellular diet.

You should also avoid using salt because it will increase the water retention and will make your cellulite more visible. Make sure you buy products with less or no amount of salt. It is better to use spices rather than salt when cooking.
Definitely you should also avoid fast food and artificial sweeteners. This is the worst enemy of your body and will increase the cellulite in your body.

These are some of the type of food you should avoid:
Food that is fried
Food in cans
Red meat
Sweets and cakes
White rice and bread


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