If You Burp Within 5 Minutes of Drinking Baking Soda Water, Here’s What It Means

Almost everyone is using baking soda in their household for different purposes. In fact, this compound contains lots of great properties that are beneficial for your health.

Baking soda or originally called sodium bicarbonate is great compound that helps you regulate the pH levels in the body and the bloodstream. Also it balances the pH levels of the cells and tissues, increases CO2 which contributes to the oxygenation, and regulates the cell voltage.

Here are the main health benefits of baking soda:

1. Neutralizing stomach acid

Baking soda is considered as great natural alkaline that can help you neutralize stomach acid. You will need to mix ½ a teaspoon of baking soda and 1 cup of water in order to immediately restore the pH balance in the body. Dr. Otto Warburg,

Nobel Laureate, found that cancer cells develop very fast in acidic environment, whereas they are not able to survive in alkaline environment. Due to this fact it is important to maintain the alkaline environment in the body in order to prevent development of cancer.

In order to test whether your HCL level is low you should mix ¼ teaspoon of baking soda and 8oz of cold water. Drink this mixture and if you burp within 3-5 minutes you should know that your HCL levels are fine. If you burp after this time it will mean that your HCL level is low.

2. Relieves gout pain

Gout is definitely related to inflammatory condition which is caused by storage of uric acid in the body. You should drink baking soda mixed with water in order to prevent buildup of uric acid. This way you will also manage to relieve the gout pain.

3. Relieves heartburn

Baking soda is extremely effective in relieving heartburn and indigestion. You will need to mix ½ a teaspoon of baking soda and 2 cups of water. Drink this mixture and you will feel immediate relieve.

4. Eliminates urinary tract infection

In order to relieve UTI you will need to mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 glass of water. Mix it well and drink it in the morning before your breakfast. Baking soda is great for reducing acidity of the urine thus eliminating any pain and burn related to UTI.

5. Kidney disease

As we already mentioned above, baking soda is great for balancing the pH levels. People that have kidney disease should always try to keep the pH levels balanced.

6. Cancer

Consuming baking soda will help you increase the pH level of acidic tumors thus providing protection of the healthy tissues and cells.

7. Reduces symptoms of cold and flu

Baking soda is great natural alkaline which is extremely important for maintaining the balance of the pH levels in the bloodstream. Due to these properties it can help you reduce the symptoms of cold and flu.

Here are some additional benefits of baking soda for your skin, body, and hair

– Prevents formation of acne and pimples
– Treats itchiness
– Provides whitening effect on the teeth
– Removes dandruff
– Helps and treats nail fungus
– Treats oil hair

source http://besthealthyguide.com

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