Cardiologist revealed an amazing diet: A SAFE WAY to lose 10 kg in 7 days!

There are certain rules that need to be followed in case that you like to lose weight on a healthy way. The diet-plan needs to healthy so you will avoid any side-effects. On the internet could be found many diets promising incredible results but some of them are not that healthy.

Fortunately, there is a healthy weight loss system we are offering you. With this system you will lose up to ten kg in just one week. This diet is made by a cardiologist who wanted people to be healthy as well as fit all together. Additionally, you will have to work out no less than half an hour a day to get the best results.

Here is the amazing diet:

– Breakfast: The first meal in this diet is supposed to be same each day. You need to consume just one fruit by your choice. Exclude bananas or rapes.

First Day:

– Lunch: For lunch have one boiled egg, a glass of yogurt (200 ml.), one orange,
– Dinner: For dinner have two boiled eggs, two tomatoes or 2 dl. cooked tomatoes, two pieces of toast, and half cucumber or lettuce.

Second Day:

– Lunch: Again for lunch have one boiled egg, a glass of yogurt (200 ml.), one orange,
– Dinner: For dinner you are supposed to have a large piece of toast, a cup of tea or coffee without any sugar in it, one orange, a cooked red meat (125 g.),

Third Day:

– Lunch: This day the lunch is consisted of one boiled egg, one cucumber and one orange,
– Dinner: The dinner is consisted of small toast, one orange, a cup of tea or coffee without any sugar, a cooked red meat (125 g.),

Fourth Day

– Lunch: Today have a bigger piece of toast, cottage cheese (125 g.), and one tomato
– Dinner: the dinner is same as the previous day.

Fifth Day

– Lunch: Have a bigger piece of toast, cooked meat or fish (200 g.), and one tomato.
– Dinner: The dinner includes vegetables – half pound of cooked carrots, potatoes and peas. Make sure that you prepare the vegetables without using salt.

Follow this diet for five days. Subsequently take a break for two days and after that, continue the diet. Alcohol drinking is not allowed in this diet.
Persons who suffer from certain hearth conditions have to visit a doctor first, before they start with the diet.


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