The Combination of Salt and Olive Oil Can Alleviate Many Pains in the Body

The cervical region is solicited by many movements. This area allows supporting the head thanks to the mass of nerves and the vascular formation established in the cervical region.

Osteochondrosis is a disorder that affects the cervical region. When the vertebral artery is compressed this gives rise to very intense pains. This can even lead to symptoms such as dizziness or hearing and visual impairment.

In the this article you will discover a natural remedy that will allow you to relieve yourself of the osteochondrosis of the neck.

Natural recipe for relieving osteochondrosis of the neck

Here are the ingredients you need:

  • 10 tablespoons of salt
  • 20 tablespoons of virgin olive oil

Preparation and use

Simply mix all ingredients and leave to macerate in a glass for 2 days.

It is necessary to massage the painful area every day for a few minutes by increasing the time of massage gradually. You can use this remedy on a daily basis simply by removing excess oil on your skin with the use of a paper towel. You can also apply a little talc to protect your skin from irritation. The treatment is to be used for 10 days.

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