How to Control Uric Acid Levels

Increased level of uric acid in the blood is known as hyperuricemia. Such condition usually is caused by increased production of uric acid in the blood as well as reduced excretion from the kidneys.

This condition might lead to serious and numerous health issues such as kidney stones, gouty arthritis, or renal failure. According to different studies found that increased blood uric acid lead to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

The average normal uric acid levels in men are 3.4-7.0mg/dl and for women 2.4-6.0ml/dl. Increased level of uric acid levels can be caused by overuse of alcohol, genetics, purines, problem with thyroid, endocrine, diabetes, obesity, acidosis, renal insufficiency and many other diseases.

On the other hand cancer, chemotherapy and meds might lead to increased level of uric acid in the blood, as well as poor diet and fasting. In fact you can use at least 10 different natural remedies that can help you control the levels of the uric acid. Here is the list and explanations:

1. Baking Soda

Sodium bicarbonate is great for lowering the levels of uric acid and removing gout pain. It is great for balancing the pH levels in the body therefore it is great for eliminating uric acid from the body.

You will need to mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda in one glass of water. Drink this mixture four times a day, and if you want to decrease the blood pressure drink three glasses a day.

2. Water

Drinking water in large quantities can help you optimize the levels of uric acid. This way you will manage to dilute the uric acid and support the work of the kidneys which supposed to remove the uric acid from the body.

Large quantities of water can also help you reduce the risk of gout attacks. According to a study conducted in 2009 by the College of Rheumatology found that people that consumed 5-8 glasses of water during the day managed to reduce the gout attack by 40%. Therefore it is highly recommended that you consume at least 5-8 glasses per day and fruits that are rich with water.

3. Lemon Juice

You should consume lemon juice because it is great for alkalizing the body and uric acid. On the other hand, lemon contains high amount of vitamin C which helps with the decrease of uric acid levels. You should mix lemon juice and water, and consume it on empty stomach before your breakfast.

4. Dairy Products

Consuming low-fat dairy products and milk will help you reduce the plasma urate concentrations. This way you will manage to decrease the risk of gout.

Skim milk is great because it contains orotic acid which helps with the reabsorption of uric acid that is easily removed from the kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended that you consume 2-5 glasses of skim milk during the day, or simply consume other low-fat dairy products.

Also you may try to consume tofu which contains great health benefits and helps with the process of changing the plasma protein concentration which eliminates the uric acid. Don’t use soy milk because it increases the levels of uric acid.

5. Apple cider vinegar

This is the most natural detoxifying remedy that can help you remove excess of uric acid. ACV breaks down and removes uric acid and helps to alkalize the body. Also it contains anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties.

You should mix 1 teaspoon of ACV in a glass of water, and consume it 2-3 times per day. You can increase the dose up to 2 tablespoons per glass, but do it gradually. When you drink this remedy make sure that you intake enough of potassium because it might decrease the levels of it.

6. Olive Oil

When you cook and heat the vegetable oil it transforms into rancid fats. Such oil when consumed lead to loss of vitamin E in the body which is important for the control of the levels of uric acid. Instead, you should always make sure that you use cold-pressed olive oil when you cook.

This oil contains high amount of monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and vitamin E which are not lost when cooked.

7. Cherries

Dark berries and cherries are extremely rich with nutrients that help your body reduce the uric acid levels. Also they contain high amount of flavonoids such as anthocyanins which act as reducing agents of the uric acid.

On the other hand they are great for reducing inflammation and stiffness. Consume at least ½ a cup per day of these cherries for two weeks in order to lower the uric acid levels. Also you can drink cherry juice for at least one month for the same purpose.

Make sure that you also increase the intake of foods that contain antioxidants and vitamin C (tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, bell peppers).

8. Wheatgrass juice

Consuming this juice can help you alkalize your body as well as detoxify it due to the high amount of vitamin C, chlorophyll, and phytochemicals. Also it contains protein and amino acids which are great for the overall health.

You will need to mix 2 tablespoons of wheatgrass juice with lemon juice. Consume this mixture on daily basis in order to reduce the uric acid levels.

9. Low Purine Diet

The compounds that contain nitrogen which are found in animal proteins are called purines. Purines break down into uric acid which leads to increased levels in the body.

Due to this fact you should try to avoid animal proteins such as meats, fish, poultry, as well as beans, legumes, mushrooms, and asparagus. Instead you should try to consume balanced diet that is low in protein and avoid carbohydrates such as cakes, bread and candies. Also make sure that you keep your weight healthy and avoid consuming fat rich foods.

10. Fiber foods and starchy carbohydrates

Consuming dietary fibers helps you reduce the uric acid levels. Dietary fibers absorb the uric acids from the body thus reducing the level. Due to this you should consume more starchy carbohydrates such as oranges, rice, whole grain, tapioca, quinoa, and oats.

Also drink papaya tea because it has properties that alkalize your body and fights inflammation. This way you will manage to reduce the level of uric acid in the body and prevent health issues.


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