This Drink will Help you Relieve Bloating

Numerous persons all around the world suffer from bloating. Bloating is very frequent but not serious digestive problem. However, no one feels happy seeing his/her stomach bloated after a meal.
Fortunately, bloating is a condition that is able to be solved. Actually there is one home remedy that could also aid you lose 2-4 inches from your waistline.

Good about this drink is that it works by boosting your digestion and contracting your abs at the same time. This way you eliminate build up food remains together with extra fat and gasses from your intestines.

How to prepare this drink:

– ½ banana
– ½ cup of almond milk
– ½ tsp of cinnamon powder
– 1 tsp of crushed almonds
– 1 tsp of grated ginger

All you need to do is to blend the ingredients in a blender, and your drink is prepared. It is recommended to take the drink half an hour after your dinner. After that, you are not supposed to consume anything. Simply take a rest and the results will be obvious after you wake up in the morning.

Bananas are consisted of lots vitamins and minerals including a fiber called pectin. This combination improves digestion and helps feel full for longer. Actually this is the reason why bananas are included in lots recipes for weight loss.

Ginger on the other hand, is additional weight loss ingredient that could eliminate your belly fat very fast. Additionally it could stop you from eating too much and boost your energy levels. At the same time ginger will control the balance of your hormones.

Finally, almond milk has the same minerals included in skimmed milk. However, it provides more health benefits, including weight loss. That is the reason why almond milk is included in the drink.

Check out this recipe and you won’t suffer from bloating by no means!


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