You Have Been Drinking Milk All Your Life and You Didn’t Know This

So far we have thought that animal milk is great source of calcium, but in fact it turned out it is not as good for our health.
In fact, our body is not able to absorb the calcium which the milk provides, and instead it can easily absorb the calcium from plants.

On the other hand, animal milk can led to some other health issues such as:

1. Increased level of cholesterol
One milk glass contains approximately 24mg of cholesterol, whereas vegan foods contains much lower levels of cholesterol

2. Buildup of lactose intolerance
One of the richest type of milk that contains lots of sugars known as lactose is cow’s milk. This milk is hardest for digestion and might lead to cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea.

3. Broken bones
According to Norwegian medical study, consumption of dairy milk can lead to bone fractures especially in women.

4. Prostate cancer
Regular consumption of milk and other dairy products can lead to prostate cancer. Instead you should consume milk-free diets in order to prevent or slow down the progress.


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