Eat one pomegranate a day and improve your health

Pomegranates are awesome fruits which are extremely rich in nutrients, but also they have great taste and there is no one who does not adore it. This fruit is great and powerful antioxidant, antiviral and antitumor agent, but also it contains high amount of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acids, potassium, fiber and protein.

Studies revealed that pomegranate juice is much better antioxidant agent compared to green tea, red wine, grape juice and cranberry juice. If you consume pomegranate juice on regular basis you will manage to lower the oxidative stress (toxic effect) caused by free radicals over your body.

This fruit is widely recognized by scientists and doctors as great preventive agent against cardiovascular diseases.

Here is a list of the health benefits of pomegranate:

1. Heart issues
As we already mentioned above, this fruit is great in prevention against cardiovascular problems. Also pomegranate is beneficial for reduction of cholesterol levels and it prevents formation of clot in the arteries. This is due to the great antioxidant properties it contains.

2. Digestion issues
This fruit juice is able to treat serious issues such as dysentery and cholera, and it can help you overcome problems with your stomach or diarrhea which could be caused by digestive problems.

3. Prostate and breast cancer
One of the main properties of pomegranate are flavonoids which act as antioxidants that help you reduce the risk of prostate and breast cancer. Moreover it can help you decrease Prostate-specific antigen

4. Osteoarthritis and Atherosclerosis
Regular use of pomegranate can help you impede formation of enzymes which result with breakdown of the connective tissues in your body. Also it is great for treating issues with arterial walls as well as cartilage and joints.

5. Dental Plaque
Pomegranate juice can help you prevent formation of plaque on your teeth, and also it can reduce oral infections. These preventive actions are due to the great and powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties.

6. Anemia symptoms
Pomegranate is rich with iron which is important for reduction of anemia symptoms such as dizziness, exhaustion, weakness, and hearing loss. Also it can improve the blood circulation which is important for preventing these symptoms.

7. Skin
When you buy creams for your skin you should always look for products that contain pomegranates because they have excellent properties which will regenerate the skin cells. Also pomegranate properties will act as potent anti-aging agent.
As we already mentioned, pomegranate is rich with vitamin C which can help you improve the formation of collagen and make your skin healthier and smoother. Due to this property, it can act as agent which impedes free radicals that damage your skin.

Here is how to prepare pomegranate juice:
First thing to do is peel the pomegranate and put the seeds it in blender. Next you need to strain the mixture into container. Use spoon to squeeze the seeds in order to get as much as possible juice out of it. Consume this juice immediately, or if you want you can save it for later but make sure you keep it in your refrigerator.


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