Epsom Salt Can Treat These 10 Common Health Problems

Epsom salt is time-honored ingredient utilized for many, many years that yet our grandmothers often utilized it in numerous recipes. Its healing properties are wonderful, thus it was so frequently used.

Epsom Salt consists of magnesium sulfate which is a clear mineral compound utilized for different aims, providing a lot of benefits including the following ones:

– Lessens sprain pain
– Reduces joint pain
– Decreases bruise inflammation
– Soothes and relaxes sore muscles
– Decreases the chance of diabetes due to better insulin management
– Improves bone integrity
– Defends against hardening of the arteries
– Defends against blood clots formation
– Detoxifies the body
– Improves sleep
– Handles stress and tension

Epsom salt really has broad specter of uses, beginning from medicine, to beauty, cleaning, and crafts product, being useful for growth of your flowers and plants as well.


1. Treating Cough and Flu – Once winter comes, flu and colds are its companions, though Epsom salt is will help a lot in these cases. You simply have to soak in Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes and as a result of the minerals that are part of this salt, your cold and flu symptoms will disappear.

2. Treating Muscle Aches and Pains – with the intention to solve this problem, put 2 cups of Epsom salt in the bathtub water and soak in it for 12 minutes. That will considerably calm your muscle pains.

3. Treating Acne – The mighty antimicrobial properties of Epsom salt will help treating acne. It also cleanses the pores and exfoliates the skin.

4. Helps with Constipation – Epsom Salt is a pure laxative. You should mix a teaspoon of Epsom salt into a glass of water. Again because of the contained mineral water is drawn in the bowel in that way making the stool softer, treating the constipation.

5. Relieving Stress –Make yourself a bath including 2 cups of Epsom salt and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Soak in it for 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times a week. Good thing is that this bath will relax you and resolve all your stress problems.

6. Splinter Removal –Your splinter could be treated on 2 ways. Soak a cotton fabric in a glass of cold water adding 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt, and put it onto the splinter. The second way is make a paste. Add a teaspoon of Epsom salt to a cup of hot water and leave it to cool off for 20 minutes. After that apply it on the splinter.

7. Foot Care and Health –Add in a bowl of warm water half a cup of Epsom salt. Soak your feet in the water and your pain will go away, the bad odor will be neutralized while the rough skin will become softer. Another thing you can do is to make a Magnesium Foot Scrub for softening the rough skin on the feet and soak it using magnesium. Prepare a mix of 1 cup of Epsom salt with olive oil and lemon castle soap, and rub the mixture on the feet.

8. Treating Mild sunburn – in case that you have problems with this issue, simply soak in a bath with Epsom salt and your mild sunburn will vanish.

9. Treating Bug bites and skin inflammation –simply make a mix of half a glass of warm water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt. Leave the mix to cool off and after that put it on the afflicted area.


1. Hair Care – This salt is capable of removing all toxins from the hair, at the same time cleansing the scalp. Simply combine it with your regular hair conditioner in ratio 1:1 and put it onto the scalp. Leave it to stay like that for 20 minutes, and after that rinse it off.

2. Face Wash – For clean face, use half a teaspoon of Epsom salt in the cleansing cream that you usually use so that your pores are cleansed


1. Gardening – Thanks to the main ingredient in Epsom salt like magnesium and sulfur, your plants and flowers will flourish, becoming greener with higher yields and more blooms. Actually it decreases the necessity for fertilizers and boosts their effects.
2. Crafts – Epson Salt is used for making a lot of many crafts for example snowballs, holiday jars, fall décor, greeting cards, and in numerous things that you could create and invent.

source http://www.staynaturallyhealthy.com

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