Here is what happens if you eat honey and cinnamon every day

The Big Pharma has been making millions of dollars for fighting cancer, but in fact they are also trying to suppress all the alternative cancer treatments that are cheaper, non-toxic, and extremely effective.

Dr. John Diamond, M.D., stated:
“A study of over 10,000 patients shows clearly that chemo’s supposedly strong track record with Hodgkin’s disease (lymphoma) is actually a lie. Patients who underwent chemo were 14 times more likely to develop leukemia and 6 times more likely to develop cancers of the bones, joints, and soft tissues than those patients who did not undergo chemotherapy.”

Dr. Glenn Warner, who now is deceased, and was qualified cancer specialist, stated:
“We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.”

Did you know that honey act like cytotoxic against cancer and tumor cells?

Organic raw honey is extremely effective against cancer due to the flavonoids it contains. These flavonoids are great antioxidants that can help increase the antioxidant cell levels in the body. Also when ingested it can help reduce the capillary permeability and fragility.

The Big Pharma is absolutely aware of these health benefits and the ability of honey to improve the immune system, but in fact they are doing everything to suppress these information. Also, honey is very effective against free radicals.

The Journal of Cancer treatments have published a study “Effects of Honey and Its Mechanisms of Action on the Development and Progression of Cancer”, which stated:

“Honey is highly cytotoxic against tumor or cancer cells while it is non-cytotoxic to normal cells. The data indicate that honey can inhibit carcinogenesis by modulating the molecular processes of initiation, promotion, and progression stages. Thus, it may serve as a potential and promising anticancer agent which warrants further experimental and clinical studies.”

Here are some of the mechanisms on how the honey acts against cancer:

1. Cell cycle interruption
Honey is great for halting progression of cancer cells

2. Activates mitochondrial pathways
Due to the flavonoids it triggers the mitochondrial pathway which helps to eliminate cytotoxic agents.

3. Induces the mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP)
Honey is able to induce the MOMP which means it kills all carcinogenic cells

4. Induces programmed cell death
Due to the anti-cancer properties it triggers the cell death programing

5. Modulation of oxidative stress
Honey is contains strong antioxidant properties which leads to less oxidative stress that is often related to cancer development

6. Amelioration of inflammation
Since it contains great anti-inflammatory properties it can reduce the inflammation that is linked to the cancer development

7. Modulation of insulin signaling
According to different research studies and experts, cancer is associated with insulin resistance thus honey reduces the risk of cancer development

8. Inhibits angiogenesis
Angiogenesis is a term that refers to the production of new blood vessels. Once the inhibition process of angiogenesis is triggered by the honey it will manage to stop tumors from spreading and creating their own blood supply.

There are many different studies which also prove that cinnamon kills cancer cells.

One study conducted in 2005 by the US Department of Agriculture, found that cinnamon contains great amount of health benefits. Also they found that this remedy is extremely capable of killing off cancer cells.

Leukemia and lymphoma cells halted

For the purpose of this research there were three types of human cancer cells that were used, from which two were leukemia and one lymphoma cell line. The leukemia cells were proliferation of malignant blood cells, whereas lymphoma is the malignant assault of lymphocytes. This study was conducted in order to test the cinnamon reaction with cancer cells, and the results showed it managed to stop the progression of the cancer cells.

The results:
– Cinnamon is great for reducing the proliferation rate of all cancer cells
– Also it showed that once the dose is increased it will lead to greater reduction

Another study conducted by Pub Med Study, revealed that “Cinnamon oil is a quite effective in the treatment of Tumors, Gastric Cancers and Melanomas.”
The study further concluded: “Cinnamon extract potently inhibited various tumor cell growths in vitro and suppressed in vivo melanoma progression. Anti-cancer effect of cinnamon extract is mediated by apoptosis induction and blockade of NFκB and AP1. Hence, cinnamon extract could lead to development of potent anti-tumor agent or complementary and alternative medicines for the treatment of diverse cancers.”
Due to all these purposes it is best to combine honey and cinnamon in order to treat any type of cancer.


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