Lose Double Chin And Neck Fat By Practicing Those Double Chin Exercises

Double chin is one of the most common beauty issues women are concerned about. This condition appears in most cases because of extra weight gain and inactivity. Additionally, the aging process also is responsible for formation of double chin, mainly by reason that the skin loses its elasticity causing skin sagging. And also muscles that are not used often, counting the platysma muscle that relates the jaw to the neck, lose their tone.

On the other hand, enormous weight loss could also lead to saggy skin in the area around the neck.
Women often choose to take invasive methods to get rid of their double chin – chin liposuction. It is about a surgical method that centers on accentuating the line of the lower jaw but this method goes with side effects like a rake like scar, which could be very noticeable when the person tips his/her head back.

Then again, there some double chin exercises that are very effective and can help you successfully underline lower jaw and chin. No need to mention that these exercises are cost-free and totally safe, nothing like chin liposuction.
If you do those exercises regularly, you will tighten tone and build up the platysma muscle, together with other muscles around the neck area. One time you build up these muscles, even though it may take a while, you’ll need less time to keep it like that, as keeping a muscle is much easier than toning it.

Double chin exercises
We will reveal you few exercises that have shown to be exercises are incredibly efficient in toning the lower jaw and chin in case they are practiced on a regular daily basis.

1. Opening mouth – This exercise may not look that serious to you but it gives good results. Open your mouth as wide as you could and simply stick your tongue out as far as it could reach. As a matter of fact, you are supposed to try to touch your chin with your tongue. Stay in that position for 10 seconds and do again for 10 times. You ought to feel your chin and neck muscles becoming stronger while doing this exercise.

2. Hanging head – Lie on a bed and leave your head to hang over the edge of the bed. Lift your chin moving it to your chest and hold like that for 10 seconds before you lower your head to first position bit by bit. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

3. Chin lifts – This exercise is especially efficient for intensification and tightening neck and face muscles. Stay with your back and neck straight then lift your chin toward the ceiling. After that, squeeze your lips in an overstated kissing position and stay like that for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise for 10 times.

4. Roll your neck – Stay with your spine straight. Turn your head to one side so that your chin is parallel to your shoulder. Ensure your eyes are looking off to the side, as well. Rotate your head down bit by bit, then up to the other side. Repeat the exercise for 10 times..

5. Platysma exercise – The following exercise is for the muscle that connects your jaw with your neck called the platysma muscle. Stand straight with your neck upright. Pull your lips up over your teeth as turning the corners of your mouth down, as if you were scowling, so as to tighten the tendons in your jaw. Stay in that position for 10 seconds and then relax. Do the exercise 10 times.

6. The tennis ball exercise – position a tennis ball against your throat as holding it with your chin. Push your chin strongly against the ball then release a little. Do the exercise 10 times.
Losing weight
The exercises are excellent but besides them, losing some extra weight could also be helpful for decreasing the form of double chin and toning your jaw and neck muscles. As a matter of fact the extra weight outcomes in increase of fat all over the body together with your neck which is a reason of developing double chin. Actually, double chin exercises give greatest results when joined with a well-balanced diet.

source http://www.healthyfoodteam.com

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