She Lost 7 kg in 10 Days with this Homemade Weight Loss Drink

Be cautions because this article will reveal you one astonishing recipe for weight loss. This recipe will make the whole process very easy and can be made very fast.

The remedy could be kept in the refrigerator for one day or at any time you need to. Simply combine 1 set of it every morning on empty stomach and that is all!

– 1 liter of water
– 1 teaspoon of honey
– 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon

1. Initially boil the water in a pan. After that, add the cinnamon.
2. Leave the mix to boil for five minutes and afterward turn the heat off.
3. Whenever the mix becomes cold, mix the honey in it and stir all well.
4. At the end, filter the mix into a cup and split into 2 half-cup amounts.

It is recommended to take one half of this mix 1 hour before breakfast.

The second half should be taken 1 hour before going to sleep at night. The other half could be kept in the fridge.

When you wake up in the morning, drink the rest of the drink. Again consume the drink on an empty stomach.

This amazing drink would aid you get rid of the toxins and damaging matters. At the same time you will lose weight not including any change in your regular nutrition.


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