The Magic of Coffee Grounds You Didn’t Know

Today people drink coffee very often. What you should know is that even after you have drank the coffee, you should not throw away the remaining at the bottom of your cup because it is very beneficial for you. Coffee is the second most used drink after water.

You should dry the remaining of the coffee in the oven on baking paper or just leave it on a flat plat so that it can dry naturally. The coffee grounds could be used for wide range of purposes around your home. This article will present to you 13 ways on how to use this popular drink.

1. You can use it for getting rid of your dark bags under your eyes
You should mix the coffee grounds with essential oil that is rich with properties for restoration of skin, and simply apply it on your dark bags under your eyes.

2. Use it as hair energizer
Coffee grounds are rich with nutrients which can help you energize your hair. It should be used only for dark-hair types

3. Get rid of cellulite
Caffeine is the main property for anti-cellular products. You should use oils mixed with coffee grounds and apply it on the area with cellulite.

4. Use it for fertilizing your plants
Due to the rich nutrients of coffee grounds you may use it as plant fertilizer. You should only put it on the ground of your plant rather than throwing it away.

5. Protect your home from ants
Ants might be real problem at your home. Therefore you should use the coffee grounds due to the strong smell which will make them blurred and not being able to return.

6. Use it against snails
It can be used to protect against beets that are commonly attracting snails. It helps you destroy them and to do so you will need to spread the coffee grounds on the soil.

7. Get rid of cats
In case you don’t like cats just put coffee grounds all around the house. This way you will have natural barrier from cats because they don’t like the smell of coffee.

8. Mosquitos and wasps
Place the coffee grounds in fire safe jars and light them. This way you will have protection against mosquitos and wasps because they cannot stand the smell of coffee.

9. Use it as soap
You may replace your soap with coffee grounds because of the peeling affects. This way it will cost you nothing.

10. Neutralizing odors
Coffee grounds can easily give the same effect as baking soda used for odors in the refrigerator.

11. Abrasive effects
You may use coffee grounds as abrasive products or detergent for cleaning pans, surfaces and pots. This way you will also save money

12. Clean your grill
Use coffee grounds to clean your grill after you have your tasty meal. You will need to put it on your sponge and clean it. This way it will shine again

13. Fleas protection
Fleas are the biggest enemies of dogs, this trick will help you get rid of them. You need to massage the dog’s fur and skin with coffee grounds and this way your dog will never be attacked again by fleas.


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