Make Your Clothes Completely White Without Using Any Bleach! Try These Inexpensive and Natural Solutions!

Maintaining the whiteness of the clothes when you do laundry is definitely the hardest thing. The brightness of the clothes wears off after few washes. Also white clothes very often are covered by stains which makes them very hard to remove, and in the same time to remain the brightness of the clothes.

Due to this reason many people decide to buy the most expensive detergent or washing powder believing that it will return the brightness of the white clothes. Some of these detergents might give you the desired result, but in fact they are really harmful because the main compound is Benzene. This substance is extremely dangerous and it can lead to different allergies and ailments. You might whiten your clothes but at expense of your health.

Most of the negative effects can occur under natural daylight because the brighteners react and cause rashes and irritations. So if you ever experienced something like this, now you will know why that reaction occurred in first place.

Instead, we are going to suggest some less harmful and natural solution that will give you the same results as expensive detergents.

Here are the best 6 natural solutions for whitening your clothes:

1. Aspirin
If you’re white clothes have yellow stains you could use aspirin pills in order to remove them and keep the whiteness. Make sure that you use non-colored aspirin pills because the color might stay on the clothes. For this purpose you should dissolve 5 aspirin pills in water and soak the clothes in the mixture. Leave it for a while and afterwards wash it in your washing machine as you regularly do.

2. Baking soda
You will need to mix 1 gallon of water and one cup of baking soda. Mix it well until it completely dissolves, and afterwards dup the white clothes in the mixture. You will notice the results immediately. Make sure that you are not using some additional additives during the process.

3. Dishwasher detergent
You can use your dishwasher detergent in order to whiten your clothes and remove stains. When you prepare your laundry make sure that you add one cup of the dishwasher detergent in the laundry detergent.

4. Distilled white vinegar
If you want to use white vinegar for these purposes make sure that you use distilled one. You should add 1 cup of this vinegar in the laundry detergent and wash the clothes as you usually do. Also you can spray vinegar directly on the clothes where the stains are, and leave it for a while before you wash it in the laundry machine.

5. Hydrogen peroxide
Use 3% hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. Pour one cup in the laundry detergent and do the regular washing process. You will be amazed by the results of this natural bleacher.

6. Lemon juice
You can use lemon juice in two different ways. The first way includes pouring one cup of lemon juice while your white clothes are rinsing in the washing machine. The second way includes putting your white clothes in warm water and adding the lemon juice in it. Leave the clothes in this mixture overnight and in the morning wash them as you regularly do.


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