Make everyone jealous of the volume and shine of your hair after using this simple shampoo that will make your hair grow like crazy!

Hair is one of the elements that are initially noticed in women and that is the reason why women treat their hair on different ways like curling, dyeing, drying, straightening… However, and all these treatments have side effects too, making the hair damaged, split or dry.

The good thing is that there is also a natural way to treat your hair, by using this natural hair shampoo that is able to repair your hair, bringing back its beauty and health. This remedy could be easily made in home conditions by everyone and in just few days it will bring back the beauty of your hair. Most excellent results could be reached if you use the shampoo for a month. Then people will definitely start noticing it.

This home-made shampoo shows excellent effects on your hair because of the natural ingredients. These ingredients have numerous medicinal properties so this way you will restore the beauty of your hair on the whole.

For example, nettle is great remedy that is helpful for your scalp and hair because of its capability to boost the blood flow in the scalp.
Castor oil has a lot of vitamin E and ricinoleic acid which boosts the healthy and normal hair growth, warding from dandruff or other bacteria that could be present on your scalp. It has high antibacterial and antifungal properties that improve the process of restoration of the damaged hair.

Panthenol is another beneficial ingredient that helps the process of re-growing hair, including vitamin B5 which is vital for your scalp.

– Nettle shampoo – no less than 1.5 lbs
– Vitamin B – 2 ampules
– Water soluble AD drops – 2 tbsp
– Castor oil – ¼ cup
– Panthenol (aqua) – ½ cup
– Nettle drops – 2 tbsp

Combine all needed ingredients and mix it awaiting to become one compound. Pour the mix in a bottle and shake it enough.
When you decide to use this shampoo, be make sure that you haven’t wash your hair at least 6 hours before applying the shampoo. Apply the mix on your scalp, massage it gentle and leave it on your hair for no less than couple of minutes and wash it off.

After using the shampoo there is no need of applying mask afterwards by reason that the mix includes all the ingredients that are necessary for fresh and beautiful hair.


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