A Mix That You’ll Use Your Whole Life – 1 Lemon and 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil

Waking up tired and beginning the day with no energy could be very annoying. In case that you are one of those people who have this problem often, you are on the right place because this article will share with you one incredible drink that aid you clean the entire body from the damaging toxins. The good thing is that the energy level would become higher and you would feel revived during the whole day! Actually this drink was utilized for treating various health issues for a long time.

The amazing recipe is actually a mix of two mighty ingredients – olive oil and lemon.

• Olive oil – the benefits of olive oil were appreciated very much by the Romans and the Greeks, calling it gold liquid. Good thing about olive oil is that it has fatty acids that could regulate the bad cholesterol. Besides that, olive oil is really efficient in cleaning the body of toxins and those reasons are more than enough to convince everyone to include it in its daily diet. All through the process of extraction, extra virgin olive oil asks for minimal action and handling. On this way, the nutrients of the oil are kept, which makes the oil rich in vitamins and minerals.
• Lemon
The health benefits of lemon are wide known, and it is probably the healthiest fruit owning to its many vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients, but they are also rich in vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B, proteins, and carbohydrates. What’s more, they include flavonoids which have antioxidant benefits.

The mix made of these two excellent ingredients is able to aid you to stop or cure a number of health issues as well as:

– Constipation – Mixing lemon and olive oil is an ideal manner to make a powerful lubricant for the digestive mucus. Also it is able to set in motion the work of the gallbladder and liver. This efficient medicine works as a strong antioxidant, reduces the toxins, and makes digestion better.

– Cardiovascular problems – The content of fatty acids is particularly helpful for our body because they have the capability to take away the additional bad cholesterol and activate the circulation.

– Rheumatic problems – This incredible drink has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In case you use it on a regular base, it could aid you to take care of joint pain. Ensure you drink it before breakfast, on an empty stomach.

– Balancing out the bile of the liver and gallbladder – You are able to avoid and end the development of gallstones by using this drink in the morning before breakfast. Mix olive oil, lemon, and water and drink it 1 hour before you eat, to wash out and detoxify your liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.

Taste this drink and you will be astonished by its outcomes!

source http://www.healthandhealthyliving.com

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