How Much Water Your Body Needs According To Your Weight?

One of the main essential element in human body is water. Every cell, tissue and organ is comprised with water so in order to maintain the proper function of the body you need to consume enough water on daily basis.

Keeping the body hydrated help you be energized during the day, and also it helps you lose weight. Processing food by your organs as well as proper chemical reactions in the body require hydration.

Also in order your metabolism to run properly you will need to make sure that you consume enough water during the day in order to keep the body hydrated.

According the Web MD, if you dehydrate your body even for 1% it might decrease the metabolism rate. This is showing the importance of keeping the body hydrated during the entire day.

You should drink water in order to prevent overeating:

Problem with overeating can be overcome with regular consumption of water. The receptors in our brain sometimes might confuse the feeling of hunger or thirst which might result with overeating.

You can avoid this problem by simply drinking water before each meal. Also if you consume water before each meal you can avoid medical problems that are caused by dehydration. Some of these medical problems that can be avoided are: weakness, dizziness, heart palpitations, dry skin, low blood pressure, constipation, muscle cramps, and dry mouth.


Here are the amounts of water needed for your body:

The amount of water needed for your body depends on the weight. People that have more mass need more water in order to maintain the needed energy level. It is important to know your precise weight in order to find it exactly how much water you need.

For example if you weight 140 lbs you will need to consume 94 ounces of water per day (140 x 67% in order to find the correct amount).

Also it is important to exercise regularly and consume 12 oz of water every 30 minutes during the exercise.

Here is a table that shows the weight to water ratio:

100 pounds require 67 ounces of water
110 pounds require 74 ounces water
120 pounds require 80 ounces water
130 pounds require 87 ounces water
140 pounds require 94 ounces water
150 pounds require 100 ounces water
160 pounds require 107 ounces water
170 pounds require 114 ounces water
180 pounds require 121 ounces water
190 pounds require 127 ounces water
200 pounds require 134 ounces water
210 pounds require 141 ounces water
220 pounds require 148 ounces water
230 pounds require 154 ounces water
240 pounds require 161 ounces water
250 pounds require 168 ounces water

Here are some addition tips of staying hydrated:

1. Make sure that you drink water regularly and it is part of your daily routine. Try to consume big glass of water when you wake up and before you go to bed in order to easily reach the goal for the needed amount during the day

2. You may use small bottle of water during the day in order to ensure body hydration throughout the entire day. This way you can also keep track of the amount of water you have consumed during the day.

3. Feel free to add fruits or veggies in your water. For instance you can add lemon, berries, cucumber etc. This way you will flavor the water without needing to add unnecessary sugars.


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