This natural remedy can remove excess mucus from your lungs in just 3 days!

Perhaps in modern living the biggest attention goes to the physical appearance. However, we all know that inner well-being and health are the most crucial things in life. In case that you don’t have good health you could not take pleasure from good things in life. That means that it is obligatory to take a good care of your body.

Every body has its own mechanism of protection in opposition to various conditions and diseases. Yet, all organisms are not same. As it is with fighting influenza – some people deal it very easy and some not.

Extra mucus is rather usual these days and it is not serious health condition. However, if you don’t treat it on time, it might turn to be irritating and harmful for the health.
Then again, flu may trigger extreme mucus buildup in the lungs that results with breathing difficulties and even fatal consequences. Therefore, in case you have this problem, you better look for some medical help. In case you prevent it in time, the outcomes wouldn’t be so upsetting.

Good thing is that there is a natural solution for these problems. The natural remedy consists of ingredients that can be usually found in our kitchen. With this remedy you are able to deal flu and stop accumulation of mucus in your lungs. The remedy is very simple, so check it out:

Extra Mucus Remedy

Needed Ingredients:
– Coconut oil
– Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
– Honey
– Ginger

Way of preparing:
Begin with the ginger – wash it and peel it. After that chop it to small pieces and put it in boiling water. Leave it there for 15 minutes. Next, allow the ginger tea to cool down, strain the mixture and put it into a bottle. Keep it in the refrigerator.

When you notice symptoms of influenza, take a cup of the ginger tea with one tablespoon of honey, ACV and one or two drops of coconut oil. Stir the tea and drink it at once. Subsequent to that, you will feel much better. This drink would open your airways and decrease flu symptoms. Additionally, it will improve your condition in general.

Obtain this mixture regularly in your home and defend yourself from the boring flu.


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