A New 7-Day Lemon Diet That Will Detoxify the Body and Burn Fat

This article will introduce you an amazing and simple detox drink that helps burn extra fat and cleanse the body. The drink will fit in your eating habits with no trouble. The major component of the drink is lemon. It is recognized for its capability to reduce toxins from the digestive tract.

Presently, this detox drink is rather famous and many people rely on it. As stated by one woman, this drink easily became a routine for her. She makes it by night and consumed it in the morning.

Check out some additional health benefits of lemons:

– Controls high blood pressure
– Takes care of indigestion and constipation
– Decreases wrinkles and blackheads
– Relieves toothaches and washes the teeth
– Calms sunburn and bee stings ache
– Helps weight loss
– Heals cholera and malaria
– Helps with dandruff making the hair shine naturally
– Takes care of rheumatism and arthritis
– Cures corns
– Relaxes the feet
– Ends internal bleeding and nose bleeds
– Lightens scars
– Relieves fever and colds
– Eases respiratory and breathing problems
– It has plenty nutrients, vitamins, and minerals

Check out the 7-day lemon diet right away:

– First day – In the morning, before breakfast, take a glass with warm water and place a cut lemon inside. Leave the mixture for a few minutes and then drink the water. Do the same in the afternoon, before having a lunch.

– Second day – Take a glass of lemon water in the morning and in the afternoon, same as the first day. All over the day, take two to three liters of mineral water. To improve the taste of the water, add some fruit in it.

– Third day – Consume lemon water in the morning, before breakfast. During the day also drink mineral water with lemon.

– Fourth and fifth day – Go over the same from the third day.

– Sixth day – Go over the same from the third day. Yet, take just two glasses of lemon water a day – in the morning and in the evening.

– Seventh day – Consume lemon water before taking a breakfast. Also take 2 to 3 liters of water a day with intention to keep the body hydrated.

This 7-day lemon diet would help you detoxify the entire body and burn fat without any trouble. For the duration of the lemon diet, you should also eat healthy in general. Otherwise, the lemon diet won’t give positive outcomes.

source http://www.healthtipsportal.com

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