Okra water is magic that helps you decrease cholesterol and clean your kidneys from toxins

One of the most used thickening agents for soups is Okra due to the gooey texture. In fact, not many people are aware of its packed numerous benefits it contains.
Okra is great supplier of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can be extremely beneficial for your health. Also die to these properties it is great in treating diabetes and even it can prevent kidney diseases. It is known as nutrition hero that does wonders for your health!

This article will present to you magical recipe that will help you improve your health.

1. Okra
2. Water

You need to cut each side of the pods and place them in a large glass jar. Cover them with water and close it. Leave it for eight hours before you take out the pods. In the morning you need to squeeze the pods in water and drink it. Throw away the remains of pods.

The benefits of this vegetable are extreme due to the high amounts of vitamins, minerals and the ability to act as potent antioxidant. Also it contains high amount of dietary fiber.

Here are some other health benefits from this magical drink:

1. Helps you treat sore throat, irritable bowl and ulcers
2. Increases energy level
3. Prevents depression
4. Reduces chances of developing cancer
5. Decreases level of cholesterol
6. Helps you improve and prevent constipation

source http://supernaturalcures.com

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