Quick Tip: Emergency Alternative Medicine for Snake Bites

Snake bites put your life at danger and it can cause even death if medical assistance is not required immediately. But in fact there are some natural remedies that you can use in such situation which act as anti-poison agent.

The natural remedy that treats snake nibbles is charcoal. It acts as prevention of further damage to the skin, but also treats the red platelets which are formed as a result of the venom. Studies prove that charcoal can be used in treatment of the following snake bites:

Russell’s viper

This snake contains really dangerous venom which can be lethal. It acts in a way which destroys the walls of the arteries which leads to internal hemorrhages. People that are bitten by this snake often end up with blood cough. Also the bite is not treated in the first 48 hours it might cause death.

A man was bitten by this snake and he applied immediately pulverized charcoal paste on the affected area. He was immediately after transferred to the hospital for further treatment.

In fact the situation was worse in the hospital because they didn’t have anti-venom treatment so they had to rely on the charcoal paste as treatment. Thankfully, the charcoal prevented any further complications and it was crucial for the saving of the victim. Friends who visited the hospital thought the snake was not poisonous, but the doctors explained that charcoal actually saved the life of him.


Another case from Uganda actually proves the magical properties of charcoal especially when it comes to treating snake bites. One woman was bitten by this poisonous snake which required immediate attention. Her leg actually started to swallow and she was feeling extreme pain. Since there was no medical facility nearby, her family decided to treat the bite with charcoal.

They apply the charcoal and fixed it with plastic bag in order to stay in place. Also they gave her to drink charcoal (two teaspoons) every two hours during the day. By the evening she was able to walk with mild limp. Her body was fighting for two days with the support of the charcoal against the venom. After couple of days she was able to go back to her regular daily activities without any side effects from the bite.


Rattlesnake bites can put your life at danger. If you get bitten it requires immediate attention, and if you are not near hospital you can use charcoal for treatment. One teenager named John was bitten by rattlesnake.

He was actually trying to catch the snake but didn’t catch the head well enough so he end up with venom in his finger. It took him one hour to get back to his father who in fact was doctor. He had serious tissue damage to the hand due to the venom, and his arm was swollen.

The father of John immediately made incision allowing his arm to bleed slowly from 5pm till midnight. Meanwhile he applied tourniquet in order to release and tighten it up depending on the signs John was showing. After two hours since John got bitten, his father applied charcoal to the area. In fact his mother prepared the charcoal paste right after she found out.

Also they prepared Blue Kohosh tea and gave it to John to drink it. His arm was placed in pulverized charcoal water in order to recover the swelling. By next morning John was already feeling better and his hand started to get back to normal.

These three cases have one thing in common which is the successful outcome of the treatment with charcoal. This natural remedy is great for situation when you can’t seek immediate professional help. It can help you for the time in between in order to increase the chances of survival. The treatment depends on the promptness of applying charcoal until you get medical attention.

We truly hope you will never get bitten by a snake, but it is always great to have this in mind because you never know what can happen. Also if you know someone that likes walking around in nature, please share this article with them.

source http://thehealthguide.org

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