|Having too much acidity in your body will result with unwanted consequences. High level of acidity is a perfect platform for development of illness, bacteria, yeast and cancer.
When your body is over acidic the reaction of the body is draining the minerals from the organs and bones in order to neutralize it. This way your body might lose all calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium and can cause illness and damage of the body without being able to notice it for years.
Acidosis is a result of unhealthy habits that are caused by stress, lack of sleep, smoking and improper food. Therefore, you need alkalizing minerals that will help your body to remain healthy. Eating acid-forming food your body is constantly filled out with acid. In order to neutralize this you have to consume and supply your body with alkaline foods.
You need to avoid fast food and junk food because they are extremely acidic and are considered as prime breeding ground for healthy diseases. Rather you should eat more fruits and vegetable.
These are the problems that are caused by mild acidosis;
Research done by Arizona Respiratory center and the University of Arizona found out that acidosis caused by diet, develops growing malignant cells in the body.
These are some of the 17 other negative health conditions that are usually caused by mild acidosis:
1. Inflames sensitive cavities and gums
2. Deficiency of the immune system
3. Headaches, sleeping disorder
4. Problems with the respiratory system, losing breath, cough
5. Problems with allergies and acnes
6. Pain in the joints, muscles and lactic acid buildup
7. Stiff neck, sciatica, lumbago
8. Osteoporosis, hip fracture, bone spurs
9. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
10. Aging
11. Accelerates free radical damage
12. Infections of the bladder and kidney
13. Gaining weight, obesity and diabetes
14. Problems with the cardiovascular system
15. Decrease of energy level and chronical fatigue
16. Growth of the yeast fungal
This is how to balance the pH levels:
It is known that the body balances the pH level on its own, but this comes at a certain price. If your body is overly acidic your body consumes the alkaline forming elements formed in your digestive system, more specifically from the small intestine. This way your body creates optimal environment for proper system function.
You should consider your body’s pH with pH strips in order to determine your pH factor. You may do this in your own home for convenience. If the pH level of your urine is 6.0 to 6.5 in the morning and 6.5-7.0 in the evening then you should know that your body is functioning in a healthy range.
Also if the pH level of your saliva is in the range of 6.5 to 7.5 throughout the day, your body is functioning in a healthy range. You should test your pH level either early in the morning before you take your first meal, or at least two hours after your meal. You should test the pH level at least two days per week.
Please consider that the level of pH that you are testing is not the one for your internal organs, but rather it is the pH of the fluids that your body is getting rid of. Also this way measuring the level of pH through your saliva and urine allows you to find out what is going on within your internal environment including the level of the alkaline reserves present in your body.
This is how to improve your body’s pH levels:
1. Check your pH level regularly (urine and saliva)
2. You should consume lots of water
3. Consume lettuce leaves and collard greens
4. Try to avoid acidic foods
5. Try to replace your meal with huge salad
6. Avoid processed food
7. Use coconut or almond milk
8. Do not use soda, sugars or coffee
9. Mix green juices
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