These tips and natural remedies will help you lower your blood pressure

If you are one of those people that suffer from hypertension with blood pressure above 140/90mmHg, you should definitely try natural remedies that will help you overcome the issue. One of the most common problem that people face is hypertension because it appears without any warning signs and symptoms. In case it is not treated on time it might cause serious problems.

Some of the health problems hypertension causes are insomnia, increased heart rate, pain, cramps and in worst cases it can cause death.
You should consume natural remedies in order to treat these problems rather than using pharmaceutical products that contain chemicals that are causing side effects and unwanted issues.

1st method includes lemon juice.
You will need fresh lemon juice mixed with glass of water. It is best to consume it on empty stomach in the morning.
Lemon is extremely beneficial for your overall health because it contains high amount of vitamins and it hydrates your body. These properties of lemon are also helping you to improve blood vessels and it protects your blood vessels wall. Also it helps you treat high blood pressure. On the other hand lemon is highly recommended for use due to the high amount of potassium.

2nd method includes using garlic.
This ingredient is one of the healthiest on the planet which we use it almost every day in our cuisine. It contains sulfur compounds (allicin, diallyl, disulfide and fiallyl trisulfide) which are extremely important for regulating your cholesterol level and blood pressure. Also it promotes the production of nitric oxide.
You will need to consume at least 2 cloves per day and we advise you to consume them in raw form.

3rd method includes using Apple Cider Vinegar (1 tablespoon), baking soda (1/8 teaspoon) and water.
You need to mix all ingredients and drink it at least two times per day.
Apple cider vinegar contains high amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium and many other natural minerals and nutrients. It is great for protection of your artery walls. On the other hand baking soda is balancing the level of pH and blood pressure.

4th method includes bananas.
This fruit is extremely rich with potassium and helps your body regulate the level of sodium and blood pressure. You should consume at least 2 bananas per day.

At the end, here are some other tips that will help you remain healthy:
– Avoid salt
– Quit smoking
– Exercise regularly
– Do not consume high amount of caffeine during the day
– Consume healthy diet
– Avoid alcohol


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