Try This Simple Detox Drinks and Improve your Health

This article will present you five incredible drinks that will help you get rid of the toxins from your body.

First recipe

Needed Ingredients:
– One lemon
– One tsp of honey
– A bit of ground ginger
– A bit of cayenne pepper
– One cup of hot water

Making the recipe:

Start by squeezing the lemon. Join the tsp of honey and stir the mix. After that, combine the cayenne pepper and the ground ginger. Lastly, pour the mixing into a cup of hot water. Decorate the drink with a piece of lemon. Put the drink into a refrigerator. After few hours the drink is ready to consume.

The remedy should be drunk two times a day. The first result will be noticed after two weeks. (1)

Second Recipe

Needed Ingredients:
– Water
– One tbsp of honey
– two tbsp of lemon juice
– ¼ tsp of turmeric

Making the recipe:

Initially boil the water and join the other three ingredients. Stir the mixture well and consume it every day on an empty stomach (2)

Third Recipe

Needed Ingredients:
– Six leaves of romaine
– ¼ bunch cilantro
– Half a lime
– One and a half cups of pineapple

Making the recipe:

Place all the ingredients in a juicer and blend it well. Drink the mixture few times a day (3)

Fourth Recipe

Needed Ingredients:
– Half of sliced Garlic
– Half tbsp of grated Ginger
– One tbsp of Orange
– One tbsp of olive oil

Making the recipe:

Mix all the ingredients and leave them during the night. The drink should be consumed the following day. (4)

Fifth Recipe

Needed Ingredients:
– One litter water
– Few pieces of watermelon
– One lemon
– a few fresh mint leaves

Making the recipe:

Put all ingredients into a blender and mix them well. After that, pour the blend into the water and merge it. Consume a glass of this juice on empty stomach, before each meal.


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