Use These 9 Common Plants to Treat Minor Aches and Pains Instead of Medication

Having problems with minor pain and ache, and you don’t want to use painkillers? Look no further because we have the best solution for you that will help you alleviate pain and ache.

You can relieve minor pain and aches by using common plants without causing any side effects like other painkillers do. These solutions that we are going to present to you are completely natural and you can use the as much as you want.

Here is the list of the 9 analgesic plants:

1. Aloe Vera
This plant can help you heal scrapes, sunburns, and bruises. You can also grow this plant at your home and the only thing you need to worry is to put it in a place where it can get enough sunlight.

2. Basil
You can use this plant for relieving headaches. You will need to crush the basil leaves and rub them on the temples. Feel free to use this plant for relieving pain in the feet by simply boiling water with basil leaves. After it is done strain the mixture and soak the feet in it.

3. Lavender
Besides the fact that this plant provides awesome scent it is also strong anti-inflammatory agent. You will need to crush a handful of lavender heads and put them in a bowl of boiling water. Afterwards you should wash your face with this solution.

4. Lemon balm
You can use this plant for relieving and preventing cold sores that appear on your face. It contains strong antiviral, astringent, and antispasmodic properties that can help you relieve the cold sores. Feel free to use lemon balm in order to keep insects away from you, and you can do this by simply rubbing some leaves on the skin.

5. Mint
This plant can be used for different purposes including reducing anxiety, stomach cramps, nervousness, and flatulence. You can prepare mint tea and inhale the vapors with towel over head. This method can help you relieve sinus congestion.

6. Parsley
You will need to consume 1 teaspoon of parsley per day in order to improve the immune system. You could also chew few parsley leaves in order to get rid of the bad breath. If you decide to grow this plant at your home you should ensure that the soil is constantly wet while it grows.

7. Rosemary
Prepare rosemary tea in order to relieve seasonal disorders. Also it is great for relieving hangover. Feel free to infuse the rosemary leaves with cinnamon, cloves, and red wine in order to alleviate cold.

8. Sage
You should make a broth by using sage leaves and gargle with it once it cools down. This way you will manage to relieve sore throat. If you grow it at your home you will need dry and sandy soil, as well as plenty of sunlight.

9. Thyme
Thyme is extremely powerful antioxidant and contains antiseptic properties. You will need to prepare thyme tea and consume it before going to bed in order to relieve cold symptoms. Pregnant women should avoid consuming thyme tea. If you want to grow this plant at your home you should use dry and light soil.


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