If you want to make your liver 20 years younger, just consume this fruit!

When people have certain problem related to the liver, the condition usually affects on the overall health. There is a high chance that other disease could affect the body as well. Actually, the reason for that is the fact that liver helps the making of proteins with help of vitamin K. Those proteins are crucial in blood clotting. Additional crucial task of the liver is to defeat old or damaged blood cells.

Furthermore, the liver has a role in all metabolic processes in the body. The cells of the liver break down fat and generate energy in a fat metabolism. Well-known quality of this organ is its capability of self-healing. Consequently, it’s important to retain its health. However, many times, the liver could happen to be damaged by a bad nutrition, obesity, extra alcohol, and medications.

How to recover the health of the liver?

Tamarind has been a part of conventional African and Asian traditional medicine. It has been famous for improving the health of the cardiovascular system and relieving gastrointestinal pain. Additionally, it’s utilized in the healing of nearly all liver conditions. Moreover, cleansing the entire body, it could take away extra fat from the liver. That way it will improve the digestion, keep the liver safe, decrease cholesterol, and treat any bile-related problems.

How to take care of fatty liver and hepatitis?

Needed ingredients:
– 2 handfuls of peeled tamarind
– 1 liter of water

Preparation: place the tamarind in a blender and add the water. Mix well for a few minutes and after that, put the mix into a glass.

Treatment: Consume the mix all through the day.

How to make a tamarind tea?

Needed ingredients:
– 25 washed tamarind leaves
– 1 liter of water

Preparation: place the leaves in a pot with water. Boil the matter for 15 minutes, take it away from the heat and let it turn cold.

Treatment: consume the tea without sugar. On the other hand, you could add some organic honey or brown sugar if you don’t like the taste. Take one cup in the morning and one in the evening.

Additional health benefits of tamarind

– Tamarind helps with constipation – boil some tamarind and take one or two tbsp for instant relief.
– It decreases the acidity rank of the body
– Tamarind could cure dysentery
– The fruit eases malarial fever, just have tamarind tea made from fresh tamarind leaves
– Tamarind has antioxidant properties. The fruit protects the health of the gums as vitamin C sustains the body functions
– It decreases the bad cholesterol levels
– It drives away intestinal infections in kids
– There is a belief that the antioxidants in tamarind, phenols and narigenin, aid in the fight against certain types of cancer
– Tamarind is a ‘super fruit’ as it has thiamin, iron, magnesium, copper, fiber, phosphorus, calcium, and niacin

source http://www.healthtipsportal.com

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